The Scot Pump Vertical Sealless Pump is most commonly used in the parts washing industry. These pumps are commonly found on a variety of parts washers. The wet end of the pump is submerged in aqueous-based or solvent-based solution. An aqueous-based parts washer acts much like a large dish washer. This style uses water combined with detergent and heat to produce the cleaning action. Solvent-based parts washers use several gallons of solvent to help erode and break down the dirt and debris off the parts. As of the early 1990s there has been a large shift towards aqueous-based parts washers widely due to environmental safety hazards that are inevitably associated with solvent-based systems.
Dultmeier Sales has complete access to the Scot Pump line so if you have a variation or model not listed please call with the specifics and we will happy to be of service. Due to the extended motor shaft, Scot Pump Vertical Sealless Pumps are only offered in either ABB or Baldor motors.
- All motors are premium efficient for enhanced operation and life span.
- All Iron bodies – other options available upon request.
- Rated 3500 RPM electric motors